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Stellar stencils: DIY Matariki Stars

18 Jun 2024

Matariki, commencing on 28 June, signals the start of the Māori New Year. As the Matariki star cluster reemerges in our night sky, it prompts reflection on the year gone by, festivities in the present and preparations for the year to come. To celebrate this, we’ve got a special DIY, one the kids will love to get involved in, to make your own star decorations. We’ve used deep blues to represent the night sky, but you can use other bright colours, or even shimmery Resene metallics, to paint yours. Or try out colours from the Resene Traditional Māori palette. 

You will need: 

Step 1: Start by cutting out the individual circles of an embroidered doily, these will be your stars.   

Step 2: Paint each of the circles a different colour. Fleur used Resene Indian Ink, Resene Midnight Moss, Resene Ocean Waves, Resene Covert, Resene Elephant, ReseneJacarta, Resene Calypso, Resene St Kilda and Resene Gordons Green 

Step 3: Use a length of cotton to string up your star constellation and hang this on the wall to enjoy.  

Wall painted in Resene Carrara. 

project and images Fleur Thorpe 

Published: 18 Jun 2024